domingo, 12 de enero de 2014


Have you ever though  about globalization? Well, I have never though about it till now. I think that globalization means equality, I think that is a way of unification.
Globalization have good things and bad thing. On one hand economically maybe can be good. Also we can find thing of other country in or city but on the other hand this means that people are turning in the same type of person.

My pyjama, made in china.

Mobile phone: made in china, traurser made in Afganistan, jacket made in New York and boots made in Afgnistan.

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

"The Prisoner of the mountains"


 In Christmas we have been watching a russian film, The Prisoner of the Mountain. This film was releted with the work we have been doing about about conflict between Chechnya and Russia. Here you have the link of our website.